On the table, Kallistra 12mm ACW with Kallistra 4" hexes using my Two Flags - One Nation rules.
The blog has notes on the scenario design and an AAR. While looking at the battle, I found a rather nice spreadsheet that showed unit strengths and the types of weapon they were using, links are in the Resource Section on the blog post.
http://battlefieldswarriors.blogspot.co ... -1862.html
Battle of McDowell 1862
Re: Battle of McDowell 1862
Hi Norm,
Thanks for posting the link to your blog. I've just finished reading the McDowell battle report which was a very informative and entertaining read. Your Two Flags rule system managed to closely re-create the historical outcome - never easy to do, and is testimony to the quality of the system.
Thanks for posting the link to your blog. I've just finished reading the McDowell battle report which was a very informative and entertaining read. Your Two Flags rule system managed to closely re-create the historical outcome - never easy to do, and is testimony to the quality of the system.
Re: Battle of McDowell 1862
Thanks Paul, the situation of additional Confederate brigades feedinging into the battle seems to naturally drive the scenario in the right direction. The system does put emphasis on the attrition of units and the benefits of fresh units / reserves, which I think helps in this situation.