Command/ Out of Command

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Command/ Out of Command

Post by Dunkman66 »

I have a few more questions about command and being out of command.

If there are five units in a line in army A
And five units in a line in army B
They are all base to base like so...


The General for army A is with the first unit in line and has a command range of 3 hexes.

Are the other four units in command?
Does the zone of control from units in army B block the line of command?
How about the last unit on the right since the range is only 3?

What happens if there is a multiple combat where Army A has two generals attached to units in the same combat.
1 dice as normal.
1 dice extra for general number 1.
General number 2 = ?

What are the ramifications of being out of command?
Can't move?
Can't rally?
Can't shoot?
Melee ramifications?
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Paul K
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Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:34 am

Re: Command/ Out of Command

Post by Paul K »

Any unit which is not disrupted with a command range of a commander can make a tactical move. Any other friendly unit which is in hex to hex contact with this first unit is also in command from the same general or any other friendly general within their command range. There is no limit to how far in hexes this command and control extends as long as none of the units in the line are disrupted at which point it stops.
A zone of control cannot block command and control through occupied hexes only empty ones or hexes occupied by enemy units.

If 2 commanders of the same side are involved in the same combat 2 D6 are used - the same as if only one commander was involved in the combat.

Units out of command and control cannot make a tactical move in the movement phase. They can remove their disruption maker and rally and shoot and fight as normal.
Kind regards

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