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Post by Craprolls »

Hi gang,

Wondering how the Dacian range is coming along? Especially looking forward to seeing the Sarmatian cavalry sculpts.

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Paul K
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Re: Dacians

Post by Paul K »

Hi Greg,

We are currently making the production moulds for the Dacian infantry and light cavalry. The Sarmation cavalry 'masters' should be with us shortly. We are a little behind schedule with the release of this new range but these are strange times! We will announce the release of the Dacians on our website when we have completed the first production run in a few weeks time.
Kind regards

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Re: Dacians

Post by Craprolls »

Hi Paul,

Thats great news. A worthy opponent for the early imperial Romans.

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Re: Dacians

Post by Craprolls »

Hi Paul,

Any update on the Dacians?

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Paul K
Posts: 409
Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:34 am

Re: Dacians

Post by Paul K »

Hi Greg,

We are still waiting for the Sarmatian cavalry masters from the sculptor. But rather than wait further for these I think I will schedule a production run for packs 1,2,3, 4 and 6 for Thursday/Friday next week. Packs 5 and 7 will then follow later.
The scupltor has had to deal with a number of issues not of his making, and as a result the delays are completely understandable.

Below are brief descriptions of the 7 packs in the range.

1. Dacian warriors attacking : Oval shield, single handed falx, 4 poses.
2. Falxmen attacking: 2 handed falx, 4 poses.
3. Dacian archers, 2 shooting, 2 loading, 4 poses.
4. Dacian light cavalry: javelin armed, 4 poses
5. Sarmatian armoured cavalry: armed with lance and bow, lances from 45 degrees to upright, 4 poses.
6. Dacian scorpion ballista crew, 3 poses.
7. Dacian command, 2 mounted generals, 2 foot generals, 1 mounted standard, 1 foot standard, 2 musicians

Sorry again for the delay in releasing the Dacians.
Kind regards

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