Four more queries

Discussions about Kallistra's Hex Based Rules
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Four more queries

Post by wargamorium »


Another game last night produced yet more queries and hopefully these will be the last for the time being.

In a multiple unit hand to hand does the +1 uphill bonus apply to each unit uphill or just once to the total calculation?

Combined Arms
We had a number of combined arms units made up of billmen and archers. Under the combined arms rule the archers occupied the back row and the billmen the front.

The rules state that “only the front two stands (i.e. the billmen) count as fighting in hand to hand combat”. We took this to mean that the back row is not counted as fighting and therefore their bases are not counted in the calculation. Presumably this means that the archers are happy to stand back and let the billmen to the fighting. Are we interpreting this rule correctly?

Multiple Attacks.
A unit of billmen and a unit of mounted sergeants entered into hand to hand combat with a single enemy cavalry unit. When calculating the multiple attack score the rule states that we “take the highest Combat Factor plus the highest Impact Bonus from all the attacking units”. Does this mean that we take the highest Combat Factor of the billmen plus the highest Impact Bonus from the Mounted Sergeants? We have up to this interpreted it as selecting one unit and taking both factors from the same unit.

We find this rule to be very unclear.

“A unit that has to flee turns 180° and moves one full normal move, plus one additional hex, away from the enemy unit that it was facing”. That is very clear.

“It must then flee its full distance towards its own table edge” Does this all happen in the same move i.e are they removed straight to the table edge (allowing for the restrictions listed) and remain there. Can they be rallied and if so when and how?

This has caused a number of interpretations and so we would appreciate an official clarification, and if possible an example, please.


Robert McLean
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Re: Four more queries

Post by dane »

Hi there
Up hill its just the once
combined arms i haven't used sorry
Multi Attack its the best factor for ea thing so you use the combat factor of the billmen and the impact of the mtd sergants
not sure on flee myself hasn't turned up in my games yet

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Re: Four more queries

Post by wargamorium »

Thanks Dane

Your armies must be good if you have never had a flee result yet.


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Re: Four more queries

Post by dane »

my Samurai never flee they win,retreat our die never had to flee
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Paul K
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Re: Four more queries

Post by Paul K »

The uphill bonus (+1) is applied if one or more units are uphill of the enemy unit. In a multi-unit, 2 or 3 onto 1 combat only 1 of the units neeeds to be uphill to qualify for the +1 bonus.

Combined arms
Yes, only count the fron 2 stands in hand-to-hand combat. In the case of the popular billmen/longbow combined arms unit, once the two billmen have been lost the 2 lonbow stands fight as a 2 stand longbow unit. The longbow don't add their numbers but can be very useful in certain situations:
A good historical example of combined arms would be the battle of Crecy. Four stand units of longbow on the slope hex above combined arms unit in front on the flat behind a line of stakes. This give the English 6 longbow shots (4 overhead of the combined arms unit), for every enemy unit attacking and no impact bonus for the attacker because of the line of stakes. The 4 longbow stand in the rear unit can continue to shoot overhead as the front unit engages in hand-to-hand combat.
Another popular combined arms unit is crossbow, bow or handgunners behind warwagons.

Multiple attacks
Yes, when 2 or more units engage with 1 enemy unit you can use the highest applicable factors from both units. For example, a disrupted unit of mounted knights cannot count its stands in combat and has no impact bonus, but still uses its combat factor of 5, and if joined in the combat by a unit of peasants (combat factor 1), these extra 4 peasant stands are added to the hand-to-hand combat calculation.

Flee move
The unit must flee in response to the combat outcome dictated by the combat results table. It does so at once moving a full move plus 1 extra hex. A unit which has completed the flee move will be disrupted. It can rally i.e remove its disruption marker and face any direction and adopt either a deployed or column formation at the end of its sides next movement phase after all other army movemnt has been completed.
Kind regards

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Re: Four more queries

Post by wargamorium »

Thanks Dane

I understand now.

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Re: Four more queries

Post by wargamorium »

Dear Paul

Thanks you once again for your patience. This will be my last queries for a while.

As for your response above -

So if three units are all uphill we count the +1 bonus only once. Is that correct?

Combined Arms
This is very clear thank you.

Multiple Attacks
I interpret your answer to mean that I can take the Combat Factor of the highest unit and the Impact Bonus of a different unit,

This is very clear thank you. The wording in the rules is not as clear.


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Paul K
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Re: Four more queries

Post by Paul K »

Uphill bonus.
Only one +1 uphill bonus is applied to each combat regardless of the fact there may be 2 or more units uphill of the enemy unit in the hand-to-hand combat.

Muultiple attacks
Yep, you can used the highest factors from the 2 or more units involved - impact bonus and combat factors from different units, because they are all engaged in the same combat.
Kind regards

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