Idea for new piece of Kallistra

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Idea for new piece of Kallistra

Post by wargamer1979 »

Hi folks,

I came up with an idea for a new piece of kallistra namely a “mountain with a plateaux top”.

The idea is that it looks like a mountain but troops can stand on top.

The problems I experience with existing kallistra are as follows:

1) Mountains are impassable terrain

2) Hills don’t have that mountain feel

3) Using a single hex as a mountain or a couple stacked works well but does not look like a mountain

That’s my idea folks hope you can see it’s merit - please post your views.

Hope to hear from you all soon.

Best wishes,

Graham :mrgreen:
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Re: Idea for new piece of Kallistra

Post by Norm »

Not sure that I would see a use for it for my own gaming as I think it might need a gaming scale of something like a mile to the hex etc for the aesthetic to work, unless you were thinking of a bigger single feature like say the current 15 hex hill.
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Paul K
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Re: Idea for new piece of Kallistra

Post by Paul K »

I have been pondering over the flat topped mountain idea, and ailthough they would be quite easy to produce, I'm not sure there would be enough demand to cover the cost of tooling. We have recently introduced snow top mountain sets in response to customer demand and these have already proved to be quite popular.
Some hexon users have used the mountains on top plateaus formed using stacked boards and slopes to very good effect.
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Re: Idea for new piece of Kallistra

Post by wargamer1979 »

While it is possible to form a plateau using slopes and boards - I would be looking for single hexed mountains with plateau in the first instance, then possibly 2 or a 3 but these are less important to me.

I am not worried about scale - they are for gaming purposes.
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