This game pitted the very potent Korean light and heavy cavalry and supporting infantry against a mixed early Samurai army which include a good number of Ikko Ikki fanatics. The terrain layout had a scattering of woodland and hills and escarpments but with enough room for cavalry units to use their mobility. A road crossed the field from right to left and was edged by low hills and a central 4 hex escarpment and adjacent wood. This escarpment proved to be the key to the tactical decisions made by the commanders of both sides.
The Koreans won the di roll for table edge and first move, and Tony quickly occupied the 4 hex escarpment covering the road with his horse archers. The Korean infantry started on what turned out to be a long march around the Samurai left wing. In response we positioned the Samurai and ashigaru into the wood hexes to try and shoot away the Korean horsemen so that we could use the road for quick movement. After a few rounds of shooting it became apparent that the two opposing lines of missile troops, despite managing to recoil each other, failed to gain any significant advantage.
The Samurai and Korean heavy cavalry units stood facing each other in the centre of the table, Tim and Tony each waiting for the other to take the initiative and charge! Instead the focus switched to the Samurai left wing where the Korean handgunners and light cavalry started to force the ashigaru back through the woodland area. The Korean spearmen followed-up behind and as a result began to out-flank the Samurai left wing.
The failure to dislodge the Korean light cavalry from the 4 hex escarpment resulted in the decision to throw caution to the wind and launch an assault along the road and into the wood with our foot and mounted Samurai units. This attack was partially stalled by shooting from the Koreans on the escarpment, but when the foot Samurai defeated their Korean opponents in the adjacent woodland the resulting hand-to-hand combats created a ‘domino effect.’ Both sides started to commit their precious generals into combat to try and gain the upper-hand without gaining any advantage despite losing plenty of units to the casualty trays.
The Korean out-flanking infantry received a bloody nose at the hands of the quick moving Ikko Ikki and mounted Samurai units which forced them back causing lots of disruption. At the same time the initial success of the Samurai units attacking along the road and into the woodland was met by a devastating charge by the Korean heavy cavalry units arriving from the centre. This resulted in some key ‘must win’ combats for the advanced Samurai units, which unfortunately they lost!
After a very one-sided round of hand-to-hand combat in which the Samurai lost 3 units and 2 generals, the Korean cavalry had the remaining Samurai trapped in a salient and unable to re-establish any viable defensive lines. And, The Korean horse archers still held the central 4 hex escarpment covering the road from which they had inflicted shooting misery on the Samurai force throughout the game. Thus, in conclusion, a close game at times, but a very decisive Korean victory in the end.
Game Analysis
This was very much a victory for the Korean cavalry; the light cavalry that occupied the 4 hex escarpment controlled and disrupted the Samurai attacks and movement. The Korean heavy cavalry, always in the right place at the right time, delivered the decisive blows when and where required in order to defeat what was a strong Samurai force.