Orcs v High Elves
Orcs v High Elves
Hi all,
I've been playing Hordes and Heroes for a little while now, and thought I would have a go at posting my first battle report. So here goes.....
This was a clash between a ravening Orc Horde (commanded by myself), against a stalwart force of High Elves (commanded by Mark). We have played these armies against each other a few times now. After an initial elf victory in the first game, which saw my orcs cut down in droves by missile fire, I was on a bit of a winning streak, having found a way to counter the missile fire through fast, focused assaults, and had won the last couple of games. So, with my confidence running high, I looked forward to this clash. Each army was approximately 240 points and the selections made were:
Orcs; 6 units of orc horde (arrayed in 4 blocks of 6 stands), 4 units of mountain orcs, 1 unit of ballistae, and 2 each of wolf riders, heavy chariots, archers, spears and giants. Ably led by 3 generals and 1 hero general.
Elves; 4 units each of spears and archers, 2 units of bolt shooters, 3 units of chariots, 1 unit each of dragons and giants. Under the command of 3 generals and 1 wizard.
The battle was fought over this terrain... A central ridge ran across the width of the table, with mountain and marsh marking one flank, and a dark forest encroaching on the other. Atop the ridge sat a cluster of ruins huddled beside one of the roads crisscrossing the terrain. Plenty of scope for taking advantage of features to anchor defensive lines, provide cover or guard flanks. The scene is set.
The Elves had the choice of deployment, due to the dragons, and decided to let the orcs have the choice of table edge. This meant I was to deploy first but move second. This suited me fine as, due to the number of my greenskin masses, I was able to deploy on a broad front confident that wherever the Elves might dare to skulk I would be able to hold them long enough to bring the full weight of my army to bear (cue evil laugh "Mwah hah hah hah!").
Orc Deployment:
With the left flank protected by mountains I deployed one of my "power blocks" of 2 units of mountain orcs, supported by a unit of giants. The centre was made up of my archers, artillery and spear wielding troops- these were placed here to stall the Elves and allow the two flanking forces to envelop the numerically inferior opposition. The road would allow them to move forward with greater pace and dominate the central ridge and ruins. The right flank had another one of my power blocks, plus the mighty(?) horde units deployed to race forward and occupy the forests, awaiting their chance to strike. To the rear the cavalry lurked ready to speed to where needed. With a plan like this, what could possibly go wrong! High Elf Deployment:
The Elves deployed in strength along the central ridge, with the line extending to the right down amongst the mire and marsh. Spears, archers and bolt shooters formed the front rank, cavalry and dragons were arrayed at intervals behind this line. The far left was particularly strong, with the main strength of infantry being massed here, supported by the heavy bulk of the giants. Nothing to worry my orcs about, but Mark seemed strangely confident too!
I've been playing Hordes and Heroes for a little while now, and thought I would have a go at posting my first battle report. So here goes.....
This was a clash between a ravening Orc Horde (commanded by myself), against a stalwart force of High Elves (commanded by Mark). We have played these armies against each other a few times now. After an initial elf victory in the first game, which saw my orcs cut down in droves by missile fire, I was on a bit of a winning streak, having found a way to counter the missile fire through fast, focused assaults, and had won the last couple of games. So, with my confidence running high, I looked forward to this clash. Each army was approximately 240 points and the selections made were:
Orcs; 6 units of orc horde (arrayed in 4 blocks of 6 stands), 4 units of mountain orcs, 1 unit of ballistae, and 2 each of wolf riders, heavy chariots, archers, spears and giants. Ably led by 3 generals and 1 hero general.
Elves; 4 units each of spears and archers, 2 units of bolt shooters, 3 units of chariots, 1 unit each of dragons and giants. Under the command of 3 generals and 1 wizard.
The battle was fought over this terrain... A central ridge ran across the width of the table, with mountain and marsh marking one flank, and a dark forest encroaching on the other. Atop the ridge sat a cluster of ruins huddled beside one of the roads crisscrossing the terrain. Plenty of scope for taking advantage of features to anchor defensive lines, provide cover or guard flanks. The scene is set.
The Elves had the choice of deployment, due to the dragons, and decided to let the orcs have the choice of table edge. This meant I was to deploy first but move second. This suited me fine as, due to the number of my greenskin masses, I was able to deploy on a broad front confident that wherever the Elves might dare to skulk I would be able to hold them long enough to bring the full weight of my army to bear (cue evil laugh "Mwah hah hah hah!").
Orc Deployment:
With the left flank protected by mountains I deployed one of my "power blocks" of 2 units of mountain orcs, supported by a unit of giants. The centre was made up of my archers, artillery and spear wielding troops- these were placed here to stall the Elves and allow the two flanking forces to envelop the numerically inferior opposition. The road would allow them to move forward with greater pace and dominate the central ridge and ruins. The right flank had another one of my power blocks, plus the mighty(?) horde units deployed to race forward and occupy the forests, awaiting their chance to strike. To the rear the cavalry lurked ready to speed to where needed. With a plan like this, what could possibly go wrong! High Elf Deployment:
The Elves deployed in strength along the central ridge, with the line extending to the right down amongst the mire and marsh. Spears, archers and bolt shooters formed the front rank, cavalry and dragons were arrayed at intervals behind this line. The far left was particularly strong, with the main strength of infantry being massed here, supported by the heavy bulk of the giants. Nothing to worry my orcs about, but Mark seemed strangely confident too!
Re: Orcs v High Elves
The opening of hostilities saw both armies march with purpose towards each other. Mark moved his dragons to support the left flank. I prepared to set up my firing line in the centre in preparation for my flanks to advance and encircle.
Then Mark sprung his dastardly plan. His wizard of questionable quality (whenever we've selected wizards in previous games, they have proven to be so unreliable, that it had become the norm to not include them in armies- instead opting to bulk up the force with the 25 points they cost) played an absolute blinder and summoned a Fire elemental smack bang in the middle of the ridge! This caught me off guard- as again the usual pattern for wizards in past games, being the simple folk that we are, was to hold back with the magic until in range of the enemy to cause maximum casualties- and maximum laughs! With one swift dice roll, Mark had cut off my central advance, and put me in the situation of either moving all my force to one flank- causing potential log jams and chaos- or split my force and try to advance on the two flanks and abandon the centre. I opted for the latter plan, and began to move in force to the flanks.
Meanwhile, not content with spoiling my plan, Mark shifts his centre force to support his right flank and manoeuvres into a deadly missile nightmare for my encroaching troops. Initial volleys disrupt my line and force me to regroup whilst troops arrive from the centre. With his chariots to the fore- in range of my infantry- I chose not to engage as the Elves would merely elect to flee, leaving my poor defenceless infantry in the middle of a vicious crossfire. Patience was the order of the day.
Re: Orcs v High Elves
With the initiative slipping out of my grasp, I decided to reverse matters by making a proactive move on my right flank. I sent a unit of mountain orcs through the narrow channel between the elemental and the rocky outcrop to engage his archers. All they had to do was survive the initial volley- should be fine being B class troops- and drive the Elves into the giants immediately behind them, causing disruption. Then, with Mark scrabbling to counter this threat- the rest of my force would come crashing in and the Elven flank would be in tatters! All that would then remain would be to collect the winners wreath, accept the plaudits, and have a cuppa. That was the plan anyway.
The mountain orcs succeeded in surviving the barrage of missiles, all that remained was to crush the archers and send them reeling. Mwah hah hah hah! What could possibly go wrong.... well the dice roll for starters. Not a loss, but not a victory either. Melee was formed, and Mark's giants were eagerly rubbing their hands in anticipation. He also chose, at this point, to expel the fire elemental and move his wizard to help with matters on this flank, along with all of his chariots racing to reinforce.
The giants attacked as expected, my mountain orcs were despatched with ease, and Mark was jubilant. However, in advancing his giants instead of withdrawing his A class archers back a space (they were eligible as melee was formed) and further drawing my mountain orcs away, he was suddenly in range of my heavy troops and hero general (I'll claim this good fortune as part of my master plan), and they raced forward to engage....
Meanwhile, on the other flank, a battle of attrition was taking place with fighting raging in the ruins, and losses being inflicted to both sides through missile fire, charge and counter- charge. Events were hanging in the balance...
Re: Orcs v High Elves
My assault on Mark's flank worked wonders, and his giants and archers were destroyed. My victorious troops advanced but were halted by elven chariots and dragons. Through missile fire, elective fleeing, lack of reserves and sneaky use of the dragons to cut off lines of retreat, my force struggled to get to grips with the elves and were whittled away, with the eventual loss of the hero general.
The final event for my beleaguered right flank came with the destruction of my orc horde units. Not content with awaiting their arrival, the elves launched a massed charge down the slopes of the ridge. With their loss my army was broken, but it was a close result with only seven more stands of elves needed for them to break!
A really great game! Congratulations to Mark, his use of magic to deny my greater numbers an opportunity to engulf him worked a treat, and his chariots picking at my infantry and constantly fleeing away proved a real thorn in my side. No victor's laurel wreath for me this time, but next time, next time it will be different...... now, where's my trusty wizard?.....Re: Orcs v High Elves
Great report if only that dice roll against the rlf archers had worked
Go Green
Go Green
Re: Orcs v High Elves
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your battle report - detailed and illustrated with photos which meant that every phase of this humdinger of a battle could easily be followed. The spirit and feel of the H&H system was present throughout and fun and entertainment was very obvious. Wizards! I have the same feeling towards them as you - sometimes they seem an expensive gamble to be avoided when constructing any army, but when they come good they can turn a game.
You've now inspired me to write up some battle reports for some recent games. Many thanks for sharing this excellent report.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your battle report - detailed and illustrated with photos which meant that every phase of this humdinger of a battle could easily be followed. The spirit and feel of the H&H system was present throughout and fun and entertainment was very obvious. Wizards! I have the same feeling towards them as you - sometimes they seem an expensive gamble to be avoided when constructing any army, but when they come good they can turn a game.
You've now inspired me to write up some battle reports for some recent games. Many thanks for sharing this excellent report.
Re: Orcs v High Elves
Excellent report! Thanks for posting.
Re: Orcs v High Elves
Thanks for the comments. It was a great game and I'm glad this came across in the report. I'll post another report soon... hopefully the Orcs revenge!
Re: Orcs v High Elves
Fantastic Battle Report