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Castle Sieges using Kallistra - Your Help Please

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 6:59 am
by wargamer1979
Hello Everybody

I’m new to this hobby of modelling castle sieges and am thinking about setting up a siege scenario with Hordes and Heroes Historical miniatures. I would like to base my siege games on actual historical battles and would appreciate your help.

There are lots of historical sieges as listed on the wiki - but does anybody have any favourite historical sieges using the Hordes and Heroes miniatures system? Where and when did the siege occur? What army miniatures did you use to model the battle?

[I have seen the battle reports on a couple of sieges on the Kallistra website - they are huge! - I'm thinking of using modest size army to start with such as suggested in the supplement say 100 v 200 pts]

I would like to form a list of some of the sieges that H and H miniatures could be used for (I'm sure there are lots) and the type i.e timber, mud and timber, stone/brick. And then I would like to produce some maps for the terrain layouts for these - does anybody already have any such paper maps they could please share?

Sieges I have been thinking about include:

(1) Balkan siege Example

(1.1) Siege of Belgrade 1456
Ottomans v Hungarians

(2) French Siege Example

(2.1) Siege of Rouen 1418-1419 [Hundred Years War - Henry V v Guy Le Bouteiller]
100 Year War

(3) British Siege Examples

(3.1) Siege of Harlech Castle 1468 [Wars of the Roses]
Lancastrians v Yorkists

(3.2) Saxons v Romano British
[Have seen some photos of this on the Facebook page using mud and timber]

Hope to hear from you all soon.

Best wishes


Re: Castle Sieges using Kallistra - Your Help Please

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 12:21 pm
by dane
The Siege of Belgrade was a lot of fun and the Hungarians although outnumbered stand a good chance of holding the castle the Saxon Romano British one is tough for the defender unless the relief force can get to you quickly. If you want a small one Joan of Arc on the Les Tourelles to lift the seige.

Re: Castle Sieges using Kallistra - Your Help Please

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:41 am
by wargamer1979
Hi Dane

Thanks for the reply - the list is growing! Do you know of any sieges in asia?

Best wishes


English Civil War Sieges (1642-1651)

During the English Civil War there were approximately 300 sieges of various kinds, some lasting only days while a select few were major actions involving thousands of soldiers and civilians alike. (

1.1 Chepstow Castle
1.2 Warwick Castle
1.3 Powderham Castle
1.4 Scarborough Castle (Royalist stronghold)
1.5 Siege of Kenilworth
1.6 Arundel Castle
1.7 Bridgnorth Castle
1.8 Hopton Castle
1.9 Beeston Castle
1.10 Harlech Castle (Royalist outpost) Sieged by parliamentarians

Wars of the Roses Sieges (1455-1508)


(Hordes and Heroes - Wars of the Roses)

2.1 Alnwick Castle (1462) (Lancastrian) Sieged by Yorkist troops
2.2 Dunstanburgh (1462) (Lancastrian) Sieged by Yorkist troops
2.3 Bamburgh Castle (1464) (Lancastrian) Sieged by Earl of Warwick and brother John
2.4 Harlech Castle (1468) (Lancastrian) Sieged by Yorkist troops

100 Years War Sieges (1337-1453)

(Hordes and Heroes - 100 Years War)

3.0 Siege of Nantes
3.1 Siege of Louviers (1418) Sieged by Henry V
3.2 Siege of Rouen (1418-1419) Sieged by Henry V
3.3 Siege of Melun (1420)
3.4 Siege of Meaux (1421-1422) Sieged by Henry V
3.5 Siege of Orleans (1428) - Siege lifted by Joan of Arc
3.6 Siege of Paris(1429)
3.7 Siege of Calais (1436)
3.8 Siege of Gascony’s capital Bordeaux (1451)

Barons War I and II (1215-1217), (1264-1267)

(Hordes and Heroes - Normans v Not sure! - Supposed to be French and Scottish barons in BWI and BWII)

4.1 Siege of Rochester Castle
4.2 Siege of Pevensey Castle

Re: Castle Sieges using Kallistra - Your Help Please

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:26 am
by dane
Osaka Castle in 1613

Samurai V Korean (1597 / 98)
Siege of Namwon
Siege of Suncheon


Re: Castle Sieges using Kallistra - Your Help Please

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 12:01 pm
by wargamer1979
Hello again!

I have come up with some more sieges and assaults with the "Normans", "Saxons" and "Vikings" H and H. These are post 1066 Battle of Hastings (William II of France v Harold of England) - these are in the first ten years - so for the rebels the Hordes and Heroes Saxon Army would be ok - quite a while before the first and second Baron wars.

First Rebellions

1067 Rebels attack Dover Castle
- Wooden motte and bailey castle

1068 Normans besiege rebels at city of Exeter
- Roman stone walls of city

Revolts of 1069

1069 Rebels besiege Normans at York castle
- Two wooden motte and bailey castles either side of the river
- Incoming Norman relief force from London

1069 Danes + rebels siege Normans at York castle (and attack Lincoln)
- Two wooden motte and bailey castles either side of the river

1069 Welsh + rebels attack Shrewsbury castle

1069 Rebels besiege Normans at Montacute castle
- Incoming Norman relief force
- Motte and bailey castle

Please add a battle report with some pictures if you try out any of these.

Best wishes
