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Wallpaper Background Strip for Hordes and Heroes and WW1

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:09 pm
by wargamer1979
Hello Everybody,

I have been reading the rules to Hordes and Heroes Medieval and Fantasy which really fascinates me. Paul and Sally have done a really great job in particular the Siege and Assault supplement gives some good insights into EPIC battles (my last post) and campaign play.

This post is to suggest that Kallistra produce a background printed poster strip with some scenery on like in the H and H photos. I think its a really nice idea - the poster could repeat at the ends so 2 could join together perhaps.

Does anybody think this is a good idea and want to own one? If you have done this - and I have seen a couple on one of the event videos - please can you please share you experiences of creating such an art work?

Hope to hear from you all soon,

Best wishes


Re: Wallpaper Background Strip for Hordes and Heroes and WW1

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 6:42 am
by wargamer1979
Hello everybody!

Today I have been having my first attempt at creating some background scenery for my kallistra.

I have found an image, blown it up in a drawing package to fit on 5 A4 sheets. Laminated it in three parts using
A3 laminating sleeves, selotaped the pieces together and then stuck some card on the back.

I then folded the resulting image in half - very useful to stand it up in a corner so it does not fall over.

Hope you enjoy my photos attached. :D

With best wishes


Re: Wallpaper Background Strip for Hordes and Heroes and WW1

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 9:47 am
by dane
good job