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Winter Wars - The White Kallistra Project

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:11 am
by wargamer1979
Hello Everybody

Thanks for your post. I thought I would do another post to show you how my "Winter War" project on the Eastern front is going. I now kindly have roads from Kallistra and also have been painting some of my hills white. Working with acrylic paint is fun as it drys fairly quick and you can put a second coat on fairly quick. I am using Liquitex titanium white which I find ok - its better than some other brands I have used. Look forward to having an actual game of Tide of Iron (Bear) soon.

Hope to hear your thoughts.

Best wishes


Re: Winter Wars - The White Kallistra Project

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 2:18 pm
by von Klinkerhoffen
Not sure if these ideas would work, but a couple of suggestions:

1. Perhaps think of giving the trees a dusting of snow?

2. The plain white tiles look too flat, perhaps some snow scatter would improve this and would bring them in line with the look of the roads and hills. If it's the cost that has prevented you from considering this, a friend of mine has used baking powder which is much cheaper.

Despite this they look good. :)

I think that Kallistra should consider doing these.

Re: Winter Wars - The White Kallistra Project

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:30 am
by wargamer1979
Hello everybody,

Thanks for the reply. I think getting some winter trees is a good idea. I have seen a big bag of winter trees i.e. the snow has already been added for model railway in OO and N scale. For these it is likely I would need to use some sort of putty for the bases, I'm not sure how well they would stand up considering they will need to be moved every so often, and also how big I want the trees. Kallistra have two sizes of conifer with bases ready made which sound ideal, I would need to give them a brush of white paint to make them suitable for winter war. Has anybody made or used any winter trees?

As for adding some sort of flock to the boards - I am not keen - I am quite happy them looking like an "ice sheet". The ready made green flocked Kallistra is a very even layer and I don't know if I could cover it as well myself in white. I will also want to change the layout of my winter war game quite often and need my overlays to lie flat.

I am thinking of using my painted "winter war" Kallistra to play Memoir 44 "Battle of the Bulge" scenarios. For this I am thinking again use plastic soldier company minis - just one tank instead of 3 and two tokens. I will use some suitable scale infantry - possibly the T of I (although still slightly too big) where 4 figures fit in a base. In my opinion this looks more in scale than using just the memoir pieces with the infantry in something near 1:72 and the tanks in 1:144.

Hope to hear your views again soon,


Re: Winter Wars - The White Kallistra Project

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 10:07 am
by dane
Hi Graham

if you look on the Kallistra web site thy have bases for the tree's to stand in


p.s looking very cold

Re: Winter Wars - The White Kallistra Project

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 4:49 pm
by wargamer1979
Hello Everybody,

Thanks for the reply - the tree bases sold on the Kallistra website might be useful for other manufacturers trees as well.

I have attached some pictures of my memoir 44 set up in the snow.

Best wishes
