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Teutonic Order v Hungarian

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 8:57 pm
by Paul K
This scenario was designed to be a head-to-head battle between two armies with very large contingents of heavy cavalry. The Teutonic order had 5 units of ‘A’ class heavy cavalry plus 3 units of mounted crossbow. Their infantry consisted of ‘B’ class spearmen and crossbows equipped with pavisses. The Hungarian army had 9 units of ‘B’ class heavy cavalry, 2 units of warwagons and mostly ‘C’ class infantry including archers, crossbows and handgunners.
The terrain was pretty open in the centre with small areas of woodland dotted around this open ground – ideal heavy cavalry country! Tim and James took generalship of the Teutonic Order and Tony and Chris the Hungarians while I watched from the sidelines.
Opening moves saw the Teutonic crossbow units establish an extended line in the centre with the spear units on either flank and heavy knights and mounted crossbows behind. In response, the Hungarians quickly occupied 2 areas of woodland in which they placed their weaker ‘C’ class infantry. Between they deployed their two units of war wagons and crossbow units with pavisses. Again, the heavy cavalry awaited their opportunity behind the centre and left flank.
James moved his Teutonic mounted crossbow to engage the Hungarian archers and a single unit of Hungarian horse archers. This resulted in a shooting match that gradually drew in more and more reserves from both sides. Three units of Hungarian knights followed up in support and more significantly 2 of the 5 units of Teutonic Knights followed up on the other side. This meant that there would be no mass charge of the all conquering Teutonic knights!
Chris’s units of ‘C’ class Hungarian archers performed amazingly well against their tougher opponents and this local battle on the left of the table turned into a brutal engagement of attrition for both sides. I could see Tony positioning the other 6 units of Hungarian heavy knights ready for a charge into the centre of the Teutonic infantry line. Its easy to spot the dangers and opportunities when your not playing! When the charge went in on mass the Teutonic crossbow units soon crumbled. However, this initial success was partially reversed as the 3 units of Teutonic knights waiting behind made their presence felt as they hammered into the Hungarian cavalry.
The heavy cavalry contingents of both sides were quickly decimated and within a couple of combat phases the Hungarian heavy cavalry had emerged with more surviving units! It was becoming obvious from my observation position on the sideline that this fast and furious cavalry engagement had produced a winner – the Hungarians! The Teutonic infantry was still able to make its presence felt but unfortunately 2 of the 3 generals were already lost and the third was already trapped in combat and surrounded by Hungarian cavalry and therefore doomed!

Game Analysis
The epic cavalry engagement went in favour of the Hungarians, really because the good shooting of the stubborn Hungarian infantry enabled the Hungarian cavalry to get the mass charge into the centre of the Teutonic army. And, at this point of the game the Teutonic knights where already split into 2 separate groups of heavy cavalry and therefore unable to act as one body.