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More rules questions

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:55 pm
by Ratty
Some more rules queries on which help would be appreciated:

1. Decided to use some artillery in the Hundred Years War battle- a multi barrel gun. What does HF mean in the additional characteristics- in the description of these it states they mean Horde and Flee- is this correct for artillery?
2. If an unattached general is in a hex next to a combat, is the general counted as part of the combat?
3. For the last game played, several sprawling combats erupted along one flank of the battle. Initial pairing up of combatants was straightforward, however, what happens when melee forms and then in a subsequent round more units charge in- do units in melee remain locked together or are units paired up again to even out the battle? This was a tricky issue in our battle as we were also unsure if, once melee was formed, and a recoil resulted in the next round does the following up unit regain impact or remain as if in melee with no impact bonuses applied?
4. Finally, recoil is in a direct line away from the enemy, how does the flee move work- is it directly away or towards the home table edge- the rulebook is a little unclear on this.

Many thanks and looking forward to your help,
Ratty :)

Re: More rules questions

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:58 pm
by Paul K
Hi Ratty
Ratty wrote:1. Decided to use some artillery in the Hundred Years War battle- a multi barrel gun. What does HF mean in the additional characteristics- in the description of these it states they mean Horde and Flee- is this correct for artillery?
1. Artillery don't flee and cannot be a horde, the HF stands for 'Hold Fire' which means that your artillery unit fires in your opponents turn and not yours. The HF marker is placed and removed instead of firing. This is very useful when you are expecting to receive a charge.
Ratty wrote:2. If an unattached general is in a hex next to a combat, is the general counted as part of the combat?
2.Yes if he is in an adjacent hex to an enemy unit. He is lost if the combat is lost because he is unattached to a friendly unit.
Ratty wrote:3. For the last game played, several sprawling combats erupted along one flank of the battle. Initial pairing up of combatants was straightforward, however, what happens when melee forms and then in a subsequent round more units charge in- do units in melee remain locked together or are units paired up again to even out the battle? This was a tricky issue in our battle as we were also unsure if, once melee was formed, and a recoil resulted in the next round does the following up unit regain impact or remain as if in melee with no impact bonuses applied?
3.Units can be paired up again as fresh units charge into the melee into which they can add their impact bonus if applicable. The side with the greater number of units engaged will often have options in terms of which unit(s) engages on a 2:1 basis.
Ratty wrote:4. Finally, recoil is in a direct line away from the enemy, how does the flee move work- is it directly away or towards the home table edge- the rulebook is a little unclear on this.
4. This is an area which I have reviewed in the new version because a number of players have drawn attention to the lack of clarity. In brief, the first hex must be in any direction away from the enemy unit. Then subsequently movement should be towards the fleeing units own table edge if possible. It may have to detour to avoid enemy units zone of control, terrain features etc, and can flee any direction into any unoccupied wood hex within its flee distance. A fleeing unit will pass through or displace a friendly not in combat causing it to be disrupted in order to flee towards or parallel to its own sides table edge.

Hope the above helps

Re: More rules questions

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 8:06 pm
by Ratty
Many thanks for the answers. Can recoil also be in any direction or only directly away?