- A depleted elven flank, after another punishing orc attack
A tally of the casualties at the end of this round was made. The orcs were 4 stands away from breaking, the elves only 2. Mark's turn was next.
The battle was perfectly poised... a knife's edge between victory or defeat. Mark scoured the battle for anything that could give him those crucial 4 stands of orcs to gain victory. However, the heavy toll of casualties on his troops and generals, left him with very limited options.
The elf general, with the 2 units of cavalry on the right flank, charged into a unit of heavy orc chariots. The dice were rolled... the chariots were smashed! I couldn't believe that only 1 more stand was needed to rout my army.
- The remaining elves, defiant to the last, on their right flank
The elves launched attacks along the ridge near to the Yoke Falls. A flurry of dice rolls and nervous calculation followed, as Mark desperately assaulted the orcs in search of that elusive vital stand... all to no avail! The orcs found a final surge of energy to hold their line, and also managed to eliminate some of the elves themselves- 2 stands worth!
The elves broke. VICTORY TO THE ORCS!
- The final attack of the elves is turned back
- The aftermath of the Battle of Long Ridge
A pyrrhic victory? With the elves only needing 1 more stand of orcs to win themselves, you could shake hands and declare a draw, but not the orcs! This was a great and clear victory- they don't know the meaning of pyrrhic, let alone how to spell it. News of this stunning result would no doubt gather more to their banners on the march to Caerfen, site of their great defeat. Vengeance would be theirs!