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Re: A bit of fantasy to start with.

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:04 pm
by Vertigo
Thank You Sally


Re: A bit of fantasy to start with.

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 1:28 pm
by KevinJ
Thanks for sharing the pics, Mark. Nice paint jobs! I'm about to start on my own undead army, so it's great to get some inspiration before I start!

Re: A bit of fantasy to start with.

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 1:41 pm
by Vertigo
Thanks Kevin

They really are a joy to paint. would be good to see your paint scheme for them as well.


Re: A bit of fantasy to start with.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:02 pm
by KevinJ
Aye, no problem Mark, I'll certainly post up the pics of mine as I get through them. I'm just trying to decide at the moment which unit to tackle first. Can I ask...did you use white or black for an undercoat for your undead? I'd normally use black for mine, but for the undead (or the skeletons at least) I'm wondering if white might be better. Or I might try something that Paul mentioned, which is to use a black undercoat but then drybrush it white. Might need to do some experimenting I think.

Re: A bit of fantasy to start with.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:13 pm
by Vertigo
Hi Kevin

For the skeletons i used a black undercoat then dry brushed white, brown ink wash then another white dry brushing. I normally undercoat white for my miniatures and have been doing so for 20+ years. so the black was a first for me.

Well worth using a black undercoat for the skeletons, and a technique i will use again when I expand on the army in the future.


Re: A bit of fantasy to start with.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:52 pm
by KevinJ
That's great, thanks for the tip. I think that's what I'll do as well: black undercoat followed by white drybrush followed by inks and more drybrush. For the zombies I think I'll try the same, but use coloured inks and / or glazes to add a bit of muted colour and putrid flesh etc. For years I was the same, always undercoating in white - a habit learned from my GW days I think, back in the early 90s when they started undercoating everything that way. It's only recently I've started using black as an undercoat, which I find works especially well for these smaller scales, although the black can make it harder to see the detail sometimes (at least with my ageing eyesight!). Cheers.

Re: A bit of fantasy to start with.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:58 pm
by Vertigo
I did try the black undercoat, but when painting reds, yellows or whites i never liked the effect i was getting so I always returned to a white undercoat, and yes the eyes are failing a little especially on the smaller scales that I am now painting.