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Re: Rules clarifications Hordes and Heroes Medieval

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:56 am
by Gabz
I was looking at your example with Dark Elf Chariots and Orcs ( I think it was ) in woods adjacent to them .:-
Example :-
"A unit of Dark Elf Chariots move into an adjacent hex to a unit of
Orc Spears, which is occupying a forest hex.
The Orc Spears can then choose to attack, and will instantly stop
the movement of the Chariots, who will then be forced to engage in
combat. However, if the Orc Spears choose not to attack, the Dark Elf
Chariots can continue to move past them unhindered. The Chariots
have in effect moved through the Zone of Control of the Orc Spears"

I was just wondering , are the chariots allowed to ignore ZOC of the Orcs just because the Orcs are in terrain that the chariots cannot enter ?

Re: Rules clarifications Hordes and Heroes Medieval

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:17 pm
by Paul K
Gabz wrote: I was just wondering , are the chariots allowed to ignore ZOC of the Orcs just because the Orcs are in terrain that the chariots cannot enter ?
Correct! In effect the Orcs have chosen to stay away from the edge of the wood and in doing so relinquished their control over that hex.

Re: Rules clarifications Hordes and Heroes Medieval

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:42 pm
by Gabz
ok thanks
hoping to do a game on Sunday ,if time allows :D :D

Re: Rules clarifications Hordes and Heroes Medieval

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:05 pm
by Sally
You'll have to post up some pics and let me know how the games goes. :D

Re: Rules clarifications Hordes and Heroes Medieval

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 5:05 am
by Gabz
ok will do.most of the two armies will be painted but the latest units I got will have to be temporarily blue tacked onto their bases just to get playing quickly lol :-)