Infantry flee/ pursuit movement query

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Infantry flee/ pursuit movement query

Post by Ratty »

All troop types must follow up after combat- is this also true for better A or B class infantry? In a recent game I played with Saxons fighting a Romano British army, I formed an impenetrable (or so I thought!) shieldwall of advancing mighty Huscarls (A class troops). However, in one round only 1 unit managed to beat back the foes and had to follow up away from the supporting units. On the following British round they pounced on the isolated troops and wiped them out. Also, under the Pursuit rule, it says A and B class infantry have the option of whether or not to pursue- but infantry generally only move 1 hex at a time in line so after following up would not be able to pursue anyway- where might this rule be applicable? Any thoughts on this would be most appreciated,
Many thanks.
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Re: Infantry flee/ pursuit movement query

Post by dane »

Hi Ratty

I may have this wrong and if I do I'm sure Paul will correct me.

My understanding is the Class of troop A to E is more to show how a unit reacts to punishment If you look through the Army lists I think you will find most of the A and B class troops tend to be the get stuck in nut job's. the following up into the hex also represents your unit been pulled out as there opponent slowly gave ground before they broke

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Paul K
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Re: Infantry flee/ pursuit movement query

Post by Paul K »

Ratty wrote: All troop types must follow up after combat- is this also true for better A or B class infantry? In a recent game I played with Saxons fighting a Romano British army, I formed an impenetrable (or so I thought!) shieldwall of advancing mighty Huscarls (A class troops). However, in one round only 1 unit managed to beat back the foes and had to follow up away from the supporting units. On the following British round they pounced on the isolated troops and wiped them out. Also, under the Pursuit rule, it says A and B class infantry have the option of whether or not to pursue- but infantry generally only move 1 hex at a time in line so after following up would not be able to pursue anyway- where might this rule be applicable?
The shieldwall question has arisen many times over the past year or so. Use the pavisses, stakes, linear obstacle rule about follow-up and pursuit (page 10,19). Some gamers have suggested adding an extra A1 armour protection in addition to their normal armour value against shooting, once the shieldwall has been established. We have added a shieldwall rule to the 2014 edition of the H&H Medieval rules which is basically the same I have suggested above.

‘Light infantry’ and other infantry fighting in column can move 2 hexes and therefore can pursue the 2 hexes required to remain in contact with fleeing infantry. The ‘column attack’ can prove very useful especially if it is accompanied by a general.

I am aiming to upload the up-dated 2014 version of HHM by the end of February. It includes a number of refinements and clarifications in response to the vital comments and feedback received from gamers along with revised army lists. There are no changes to the game mechanics but we clarified a few areas in response to queries received from players.
Kind regards

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