Play testing Tony's Ancients adaptation of the Hordes and Heroes rules system

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Paul K
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Play testing Tony's Ancients adaptation of the Hordes and Heroes rules system

Post by Paul K »

We have been play testing the unit stats which Tony has produced to enable the Hordes & Heroes rule system to be used with various ancient armies. All the 6mm miniatures are from his extensive collection. The are based specifically for use with the H&H system but any base sizes can be used as long as they fit in a hex!

In this epic game we had Gauls, Romans, Greeks and others! The idea was to test the stats on the new ancients play sheets rather than recreate a specific historical encounter. We even had a couple of units of elephants thrown in for good measure! I think it would be fair to say that in this experimental scenario the Roman Legion out-performed the Greek Phalanx, but the Gaulic hordes certainly gave the Romans a bloody nose at times!
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Re: Play testing Tony's Ancients adaptation of the Hordes and Heroes rules system

Post by Gilgawath »

Rules are as per the normal Hordes and Heroes rules with the following alterations:
Additional Troop Classification
LC Light Cavalry
EHC Extra Heavy Cavalry
HC Heavy Cavalry
MC Medium Cavalry
HI/MI Heavy/Medium Infantry
LHI/LMI Light Heavy/Medium Infantry
LI Light Infantry
El Elephants
Ch Chariots

Regular (Trained and Disciplined troops, +1 impact)
Irregular other troops, no bonus’s

Movement and Combat in Difficult Terrain
Troop Type - Move - Combat - Impact - Notes
LI - Full Move - Full - None - Pass through terrain with no penalties
LHI/LMI - 1 Hex - Full - None - pass through 1 hex per turn (as per rules)
HI/MI - 0 - 0 Bases (disrupted) - None - Can pursue into terrain, but must leave as soon as possible by way of entry 1 hex move
EHC/HC/MC/El/Ch - 0 - 0 bases (Disrupted) - None - Can pursue into terrain, but must leave as soon as possible by way of entry 1 hex move
LC - 1 hex - 0 Bases (Disrupted) - None - pass through 1 hex per turn (as per rules)

Flank Attacks
Attacks made against a unit from behind its front facing negate impact bonus for the attacked unit. Units (except slow units) can turn to face 1st attack as per rules

Elephant: Terror (2) Horse units that approach within 2 hexes of the elephant unit must immediately take a
moral check on a d12
1-4 Flee 1 full move disrupted
5-8 Stop and become disrupted
9-12 Continue unaffected
Liability (-1) Any disrupted results are treated as flee results and must be in a straight a line as possible away from the opposition towards its own base line (not avoiding its own troops). Upon reaching the base line as a result of combat they are removed.
Interpenetration (2) When passing through friendly units if both units have INT then the unit passed through or forced to recoil by the friendly unit is not disrupted.
Slow (-1) A Slow unit must spend 1 movement point to change facing, they cannot turn to face an attacking enemy
Heavy Throwing Weapon On the first round of defensive combat a HTW unit can either opt to use the impact value or the missile value not both.
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Re: Play testing Tony's Ancients adaptation of the Hordes and Heroes rules system

Post by Gilgawath »

quick version of the rule ammendments to standard rules above
some troops values to follow (if i can get them to list correctly :)
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Re: Play testing Tony's Ancients adaptation of the Hordes and Heroes rules system

Post by Gilgawath »

    Name Troop type Quality Main Weapon Moral Class Speed combat impetus missile Bases Additional
    Tribal Warrior infantry Light Medium Irregular light spear C 2 3 0 0 6
    Veteran legionaries infantry Heavy Regular HTW C 1 5 2 9 e A1, INT, RL
    Legionaries infantry Heavy Regular HTW C 1 5 2 9 4 A1, INT, SW
    Auxiliary Infantry infantry Light Heavy Regular light spear C 1 3 2 0 4 A1 , SW
    Balearic Slingers infantry Light Irregular sling C 2 1 0 8 4 E1
    Bowmen infantry Light Irregular bow C 2 2 0 7 4
    African Elephant Elephant Heavy Irregular Cavalry weapons C 2 6 3 0 3 terror, liability
    Numidian Cavalry cavalry Light Irregular javelin C 4 2 0 8 4 E2, FLEE
    Agema cavalry extra Heavy Regular Lance B 3 5 5 0 4 A1
    Legionary Cavalry cavalry Heavy Regular Cavalry weapons B 3 4 3 0 4 A1
    Line Cavalry cavalry Heavy Regular Lance C 3 4 4 0 4
    Gallic volunteers cavalry Medium Irregular Cavalry weapons C 3 3 1 0 4
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    Re: Play testing Tony's Ancients adaptation of the Hordes and Heroes rules system

    Post by Gilgawath »

    couldnt upload the files so hope these are legible enough
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    Re: Play testing Tony's Ancients adaptation of the Hordes and Heroes rules system

    Post by ka2lu »

    Will this be moving forward? Will there be a set of 'standardized' rules available?
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    Re: Play testing Tony's Ancients adaptation of the Hordes and Heroes rules system

    Post by Ratty »

    Will this be part of the updated rule sets/ army lists to be published soon (hopefully!)
    Crossing all fingers and toes
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    Paul K
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    Re: Play testing Tony's Ancients adaptation of the Hordes and Heroes rules system

    Post by Paul K »

    Hi Ratty,
    The availability of the H&H system as a free download drew the attention of many ancients players. Tony, one of our club members has, driven by his passion for ancients, produced army lists and adaptations for a range of ancient armies. The reality is that any system that works for medieval will also for ancients, with only a few additions and modifications. It would certainly be a logical progression to for idea of making the H&H system more 'generic' and be be published as a 'Medieval and Ancients.'
    Kind regards

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    Re: Play testing Tony's Ancients adaptation of the Hordes and Heroes rules system

    Post by Gilgawath »

    Any armies you interested in, done a few rough drafts
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    Re: Play testing Tony's Ancients adaptation of the Hordes and Heroes rules system

    Post by ka2lu »

    What armies do you have lists for?
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