Greetings and apologies.

Come and introduce yourself here
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Posts: 33
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 12:10 pm

Greetings and apologies.

Post by Andrea »

Hello. I must apologize for being recorded and added to the forum threads without introducing myself.
I hope you will forgive me.

My name is Andrea, I'm Italian and I took a passion for the American Civil War thanks to your beautiful miniatures with which I have already played two bodies and one Confederate unionists for Fire and Fury.

Renewal apology (even for my bad English) and I wish you a Merry Christmas in advance.


Salve a tutti. Devo scusarmi per essermi registrato al forum e inserito in discussioni senza essermi presentato.
Spero che mi perdonerete.

Mi chiamo Andrea, sono italiano e ho preso passione per la Guerra Civile Americana grazie alle vostre splendide miniature con cui ho già riprodotto 2 corpi unionisti e uno confederato per Fire and Fury.

Rinnovo le scuse (anche per il mio pessimo inglese) e vi auguro anticipatamente buone feste.

Posts: 184
Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2013 12:48 pm

Re: Greetings and apologies.

Post by dane »

and a Merry Christmas to you to
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